We Were Soap

Click We Were Soap to listen on the NoSleepPodcast!

Wow, starting to put my writing out into the world has been an emotional roller coaster. I’ve learned that there really is a market for my particular brand of horror writing.
Recently I put my story, “We Were Soap” onto a subreddit called nosleep. I was hoping for a chance to get noticed by my favorite podcast thenosleeppodcast.com. As I watched, my upvotes just kept going up and really encouraging comments were coming in. My favorite being of course, “Absolutely f***ing brilliant!” -momosteward, subreddit/nosleep.

Within five hours I got a request by a podcast, not the one I was aiming for, to present my story. By this time I was jumping in circles squealing “EEEEEE” to the terror of my cats.

After not getting my preferred podcasts notice I sent a hail Mary email expecting my first rejection letter. Instead I got an offer of actual cash money and a spot on the show that I listen to everyday.

My favorite part of all of this is how much fun this story was to write. There wasn’t a second of it that felt like work. I was more concerned that what I considered fun wouldn’t carry over to the readers. I can’t say how happy I am that it did carry over. ^_^

If you’d like to hear “We Were Soap” performed by professional voice actors and listen to a great horror podcast check out thenosleeppodcast.com. The airdate is 9/18/17.

“Really enjoyed Nancy M. Long’s “We Were Soap” – very evocative and creepily romantic, in the vein of Joe Lansdale’s “I Tell You It’s Love”. The little detail about the exfoliating properties of bone in the soap was shuddersomely memorable!”
Colin Harker